55 Cal Pizza Rolls
- Recipe Makes: 12
- Macros For each Pizza Roll: (1 serving)
- Calories: 55
- Carbs: 1.33 grams
- Fat: 3 grams
- Protein: 6 grams
Ingredients (makes 12):
3 Josephs Lavash Breads
1 Bag of Turkey Pepperonis
84g Part Skim Mozzarella
Oregano (don’t be shy)
Basil (don’t be shy)
Garlic Powder
Non Stick Cooking Spray
1.) Take your whole bag of turkey pepperonis and slice then into 4’s (see video).
2.) Add to a bowl with your part skim mozzarella, oregano and basil. Mix together.
3.) Now slice each lavash bread into 4’s (see video).
4.) Add 1/12th of your filling to each of your lavash bread pieces and then fold how you see in the video.
5.) Use a small bowl or ramekin to smash these shut.
6.) Add half your batch to your air fryer. Spray tops with non-stick cooking spray and sprinkle garlic powder on top.
7.) Air fry at 400 degrees F for 3-4 minutes till golden. Then get your marinara dipping station and enjoy!