Flexible Dieting Lifestyle

Giving you the tools you need to reach

nutritional freedom

Macro-friendly, low-calorie recipes | nutrition education | healthy products | so much more

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Products for a healthier Life

In a culture that is regularly perpetuating dieting/fads/quick fixes, it can be difficult to wade the sheer amount of volume to find what is actually sustainable and effective.

At Flex, we hold the belief that food and guilt don’t exist in the same sentence. Rather, our mission is simple: make food fun, delicious, AND support our goals.

Whether you are an avid fitness goer, competitive athlete, or simply trying to live a healthier life- our products with premium ingredients and outstanding taste are here to support you.

Nutritional Freedom

A course designed to build the perfect diet for you taught by The Flexible Dieting Lifestyle


Instant access to 6 modules with 4-7 lessons each

Lifetime access

All course materials and every FDL recipe FOR LIFE


Get all of your questions answered and connect with our incredible private Facebook Community


Every FDU student receives our recipe books, along with exclusive discounts on Protein Cookie Butter and all other FDL products

After my own journey with flexible dieting, and the results I saw other people obtain with it, I knew I had an obligation to help as many people as I could by sharing. 

That’s why I’ve dubbed this course the “diet” to end all diets. 

Zach Rocheleau

Creator of FDL & Protein Cookie Butter

How many different diets have you tried?

The best diet is the one you can do for the rest of your life. Flexible Dieting is just that!

Zach Rocheleau

Creator of FDL & Protein Cookie Butter

Knowledge =

We believe that the more nutritional knowledge you have, the more flexible your diet can be.

If you are craving ice cream, have some ice cream! If you want a cookie, best believe you can have a cookie!

You’ll achieve the body and optimal health you’ve always dreamed of, while eating the foods you love!

Macro-Friendly &
Low Calorie

Want to become a master of your body, nutrition and life via Flexible Dieting? 

Allow us to help you build the perfect diet for you all while having an incredible life changing experience on the road to Nutritional Freedom. 

We educate and inform you to make the best choices for your lifestyle, all without losing out on your favorite delicious foods.

The Foods You Love.

the life you desire.

What People Are Saying